Claim Events

These are all events that apply to claims and their happenings.

Management Events

These events apply to claim management.


Fires when a claim is added using ClaimManager#addClaimToListInsecurely(ClaimArea) (or any methods that call such)
Non-cancelable. Cancel deserialized claims using ClaimDeserializationEvent and cancel created claims using ClaimCreatedEvent.
This should be used for tracking the claims list seperately. See ClaimPageTracker in ClaimIt source.


Fires when a claim is added via traditional overlap checking using ClaimManager#addClaim(ClaimArea).
Cancelable. Cancelling prevents the claim from being added.


Fires whenever a claim is removed from the list, for any reason except being cleared before initialization.
Canceling prevents a claim from being removed. If you track this, you should also be tracking ClaimsClearedEvent.


Fires before the claims list is cleared for any reason. This DOES NOT fire any ClaimRemovedEvents. Non-Cancelable.


Fires after the claims list is cleared for any reason. This DOES NOT fire any ClaimRemovedEvents. Non-Cancelable.

Serialization Events


Fires before a claim is written to NBT. Canceling prevents it from being saved. This will destroy the claim data.
Data is modifiable here, as the it fires just before the claim is written to disk.


Fires after a claim has been read from NBT, before it is added to the claim list.
Data can be modified here. Canceling prevents it from being added to the list, purging the data.

Misc Claim Events


This fires as a permission is being checked on a claim. This is non-cancelable, but has results.
To do nothing, simply do not touch the result or set it to Result.DEFAULT
If you wish to allow a permission check (return true), call event.setResult(Result.ALLOW)
If you wish to deny a permission check (return false), call event.setResult(Result.DENY)